Ministry Friends
Roy & Melanie Fields
The vision of Roy and Melanie Fields and Run with Fire Ministries can be summed up in one word. MOBILIZE! Their heart is to Save Lives and Transform Cities with The Fire of Revival. Their definition of revival is restoring the joy of salvation, and giving people the opportunity to fall in love with Jesus all over again or for the first time. Roy and Melanie have served the local church since 1989 and we have a burden to encourage the local church in becoming even more successful In the move of God in their local area. We do not come to take away, but to come and build up the body of Christ by the word of our past, & present testimony and by the blood of Jesus Christ. They can only minister out of the overflow that they have been given by the Holy Spirit. Roy and Melanie have given literally everything to see Revival in the earth. After years and years of being in some of the moves of God And being involved in the moves of God, they are seeing it now in RUN WITH FIRE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL. Every church and every believer needs revival in their lives.
Tom Fox
Tom Fox is an evangelist and gifted Bible teacher used by God to set fires of revival in the hearts of people. His meetings are marked by the manifest presence of God. Many are healed, delivered and set free as their faith grows in the reality of the living Christ. His messages are life-changing and include the demonstration of God’s power. Tom is the founder of Hope of Glory Ministries, Impact Center and co-founder of Omega Team, an international apostolic network. Tom’s desire is to train, revive and activate the body of Christ for the work of the ministry through the joint effort of numerous five-fold ministers and ministries. Tom is ordained by Omega Team, an international network of ministers. Tom is also an experienced businessman and co-founder of an investment money management firm in the Twin Cities. Tom has a heart to train all believers to manifest the reality of Jesus in the marketplace. Tom and his wife Marie live in Eden Prairie, Minnesota and have four grown children; Matt, Nena, Taylor and Lisa.
Bill Hieb
Bill Hieb was born in Stillwater but was raised in the inner-city of St. Paul, MN. It was during the 1960’s that Bill was introduced to a life of street gangs, drug culture and an empty vision for his future. He came to know J es us Christ on Feb. 7th, 1981. Bill began his ministry preaching in nursing homes and at the state prison n . After 8 years of prison ministry and a couple mission trips to Ukraine he planted a church in Stillwater, Minnesota. Pastor Bill is married to Kay Hieb and between them they have 5 children and 9 grandchildren. Bill has been a licensed minister since 1991 and is currently serving as the pastor of Riverside Church. He is also the president of 3 other ministries: Beside Still Waters (medical missions), the Christian Leadership Institute of Minnesota and Riverside Ministry Center. Bill has attended Lakewood College, Northwestern College and has just recently completed his Masters in Divinity from the Christian Leadership Institute of MN. Under the leadership of Pastor Bill the church has embarked on an assertive ministry of soul winning, biblical studies, discipleship, church planting and foreign missions.
Francis Macharia
Pastor Francis Macharia oversees 800 churches in East Africa, 265 of which he has personally planted. Along with his wife Hannah, he also started and operates Nakuru House of Hope; a residential educational facility to vocationally train and equip the children of Nakuru, giving them hope and a future and introducing them to the great and redeeming love of Jesus Christ. Francis was born in a Non-Christian family. At the age of 24, through a street preacher, he gave his life to Jesus. Six months later, his wife Hannah also gave her life to the Lord. As a couple, God has given them a passion to reach the unsaved. One year later, they started their ministry by preaching in the market place. As a result, people were saved and they started church planting. In 1998, God called them to take in street children. They now have 2 orphanages- 1 for girls, and 1 for boys. There are a total of 68 children in the orphanages.
Keith Miller
Keith Miller of Stand Firm World Ministries is a fiery man of God who moves powerfully in the prophetic, miracles, signs, wonders, and healing. Flowing with revelation and anointing, he releases the presence of the Holy Spirit and sparks revival fires everywhere he goes. Keith’s teaching is anointed and solid, imparting revelation and a fresh trust in the truth of God’s promises. His preaching releases people to new levels of boldness, and the ability to stand firmly on the Word of God.
Ian Peters
Ian Peters’ ministry has an apostolic/prophetic edge, speaking into the lives of believers and reaching out to the unsaved. His aim is to bring the church into a place of greater relevance and power. He ministers truth with humor, imparts faith with vision and passion with power. Hundreds of churches in many denominations have experienced a move of God as he has ministered, preaching the Word with signs and wonders following. Ian has a passion to see the fires of revival lit in believers’ lives in all the nations of the earth. This passion has led to the founding of City Lights Ministries International with a commitment to raise up a generation that will take the Word and the Anointing to those who need it. To date, his ministry has included pastoral work as well as missions, ministering in camps, seminars, conferences and crusades all over the world.Born into a Pentecostal home, the call of God was evident on his life very early. In 1981 he graduated from Bible school and began preaching. He married Maree in 1982 and has two sons – Daniel and Stephen. Called from an effective pastorate, they are now based in Big Lake, Minnesota. The ministry continues to grow as Ian travels world wide encouraging laborers to go out and bring in harvests of grain, new wine and fresh oil.
Chuck Porta
Chuck Porta has been in full time ministry for 34 years; 16 years pastoring three different churches and the last 18 years focused on an extensive traveling ministry. He has an anointed teaching and prophetic ministry, speaking extensively in the Body of Christ. Chuck brings a challenging prophetic message calling God’s people to a deeper life of intimacy with the Lord. His burden is to see God’s people fulfill their divine destiny by the grace of God.
Chuck also has a passion to see the “move” of God come to God’s people, releasing them into fruitful lives for the Kingdom of God. While his message will certainly challenge the lukewarm, it will also inspire those who are hungry to move on in God.
Chuck and his wife Kathleen reside in Eden Prairie, MN.
Pastor Derek van der Merwe
Derek van der Merwe was born in South Africa and has been an American citizen for 24 years. He is a minister and international pastor with 54 years ministry experience and is an accomplished scholar and lover of God’s Word. Derek and his wife Pat have pioneered and led hundreds of churches and have seen many miracles, signs and wonder.