Vision of Doug Stanton Ministries International
Pastor Doug Stanton’s vision has been for 20 years to be a steward of revival. This has been the expression of his ministry over the many years on the road. This has not diminished but has definitely enlarged.
The history of revival has been wonderful over these many years and thousands of lives have been impacted and stirred for the Kingdom sake.
Fresh Vision for the days we are now living in
God has Taken me past the desire for revival to a greater desire to see an “AWAKENING” I am sure that this will still involve revival at every level, but would bring a great fruit then any revival could.
Time for and awakening
When God over flows his desire for this City and beyond as a result of the prayers and actions of the church in this NOW season, it will not only touch the church but the whole community we live in.
If we truly believe this is in Gods plan then we have to act like it is about to happen and prepare.
Major changes to our ministry
The biggest change was for God to have us settle down for this season from the traveling ministry to establish a “Center of Operations.” For us to build more then a revival it became apparent that Father wanted me to establish a place of Training and Equipping for the saints. Therefore the DSMI Center in Crystal was birthed. At first I thought this was just to make a place for the Fire of Revival to burn without hindrance. From early 2008 DSMI has functioned from the DSMI Center, First in Brooklyn Center, then in Crystal, MN. As we have faithfully built the Center, it has become very apparent that we are preparing for some thing bigger then the revivals of our past. He has had to break me from the past expectations to take us further then where we have been. He showed me that the success of my past had become a personal tradition that I had expected God to keep doing, yet he wanted to break me beyond that tradition of success to a bigger Flow of his Spirit and Purpose. Doug received a prophetic word at a crucial time to confirm this very thing.
He showed me that I could not birth this new move the way that I had in the past. It would require a greater effort of many people and ministries. We are at this time building towards His greater strategy.
PowerHouse School of Supernatural Ministries has been birthed
This School of Ministry is being established with a progressive vision to keep training people from all around the world to be stirred and trained for the greater harvest. This School is online and will be utilized in other countries and adaptable to any church setting. The School will become more and more a major part of the expression of the DSMI ministry and purpose.
Progressive Vision
As Karen and Doug have felt to be back on the road available to churches and ministries all over the world, we believe that people hungry to be trained and equipped for ministry, will connect with Doug through the PowerHouse School of Ministry. Although this is an online school, the students will have access to Doug and the ability to join up with him on crusades and missions all over the world.
We believe that a personal revival will precede this one
What is revival?
In its most pure and simple terms, it is a revival of our love for Jesus Christ, and for the Father’s purposes. The church never was meant to be an education system, rather a revelation system.
John Wesley said, “The greatest danger for the church is mental assent. You can know and agree to all the truths of the Bible and still not have them working and actuated in your life.
What revival is not
Revival is not an evangelistic crusade, with its primary goal of saving the lost. The lost do not need ‘revival’, they need salvation. You must be made alive first (‘vived’) before you can be ‘re-vived’.
Revival puts to death the “old” life support
God Himself is the revivalist
As a minister, I preach Christ and Him crucified. As He manifests Himself in our midst, He becomes the way to reveal the Father. Life and Truth are then revealed in us. “Christ in you the (absolute) life of total glorification in Him.”
Natural man’s religion never pleases God! Revival puts off and replaces man’s religion. When that happens, we find we have put on the “new self” and God’s intended new version of life support.
Evangelism is man working on behalf of God.
Revival is God working on behalf of man.
In my experience, many have come to know Jesus as Savior in our revivals. But this is not the aim of the revival meetings, rather it the result or fruit.
Revival of His Church
Our passion is to revive His Church, the Body of Christ, His tabernacle, His dwelling place, His sanctuary, His safe haven.
”As one man full grown”
When the powerful Body of Christ grows as one man full grown – no longer tossed around by every wind of doctrine, religion or man, schemes, or programs – then we shall be a church ready to reach the world in unity. When we move in that unity, then God the Father can finally command the blessing, even life for ever more!
Then the world will know that God has sent His Son:
This brings true evangelism
This brings true intercession
This brings true spiritual warfare
This will bring the answer to all our prayers!