All our meetings have been awesome and well attended with hungry folks.


It has been wonderful to be with our pastoral friends and many people who have been an important part of my families life over the last 22 years we have ministered in Minnesota.

I feel i have a  ‘NOW’ message for the church to get hold of what God’s power has made available to the church for such a time as this….The full gospel is for the fullness of time… We have to be so careful we don’t water down the gospel that cost Father His Son…. It is so tempting to much of the body of Christ to make the Message more acceptable to the hearer instead of allowing the message to change the hearer to be acceptable to God. One will grow and increase numbers in our pews and the other will find sons of the Father to bring the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in Heaven. We love the body of Christ in all it’s forms and expressions, but long to see it grow up into ‘ One Man Full Grown’, mature and blessed with a commanded blessing from Father. I am convinced nothing else will change and save our world.

Please look for our schedule in the ‘Latest News’ section on the front page of the web page or on our Facebook Pages. We hope you are enjoying our Live feeds on Facebook each night. Let us know if you appreciate this being available. If you feel to help us financially, please consider hitting the donate button on this web page.

Love you all and appreciate your love, prayers and support over so many years. The best is yet to come….

Doug Stanton

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